Connor's Story

PEI and SLP Amy Beveridge are the standard by which we judge all other services my son Connor receives! We are well into our 2nd year of working with Amy and we couldn’t be happier with the progress Connor is making. At times I find myself thinking that if we had been with Amy from the beginning, we would be significantly farther along. I feel as though we have made more progress in our time here than the entire 8 years prior. Amy and the staff at PEI make us feel like family every single time we come in. We are greeted with smiles, called by name, and I absolutely love how everyone gets involved in helping Connor “talk” and socially express himself. Amy is an amazing speech therapist who genuinely cares about “her kids” and thoroughly understands celebrating ALL the successes no matter how seemingly insignificant it may initially appear. She knows Connor’s likes and dislikes and she intuitively uses that to create positive learning opportunities. I am so thankful I found PEI and Amy is Connor’s (our) therapist. I feel like I found a “best kept secret” with PEI and I always recommend them to anyone looking for an encouraging, stimulating, and supportive environment for their child’s speech needs. - Shawn D. Reynolds